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From Challengers Comics + Conversation in Chicago, this is CONTEST OF CHALLENGERS, a comics industry business podcast about the businees of running a comic book shop.
Hosted by Challengers' owners Patrick Brower and W. Dal Bush.
1845 N Western Ave | Chicago, IL 60647 | 773.278.0155
Will Eisner "Spirit of Comics" Retailer Award Recipient 

Jan 30, 2023

•When T-Shirts went mainstream.
•Our self-made day-to-day accountant.
•”All Ego” Ethan Page vs Karate Man.
•The confusion behind the collected release of Wonder Woman Historia The Amazons.
•Pre-Ordering thru our vendors.
•We do not ship internationally.
•Last-minute event...

Jan 23, 2023

•Would you want text messages from Challengers? How much contact is too much?
•Finding a good Filtering/Sorting tool for our new website.
•Building ‘Collections’ for the new site.
•comiXology no more! It’s so weird to have been a store for the entirety of their digital comics...

Jan 16, 2023

PIG 8008
•Comics and Comics Retail is like a broken exercise bike.
•Patrick was on Off Panel with David Harper! It was… dark…?
•UPS deliveries, all day, every day!
•Are you caught up with all your comics?
•A ¢hange for $aga.
•Why customers can’t pre-order ratio variants from Challengers.

Jan 9, 2023

•New Challengers Website—Coming Soon! Like, after the Sale, soon.
     •Advanced filtering/searching!
•How many Holiday cards did not get picked up in December?
•Searching “Marvel TP” in inventory is like just searching for “a”.
•Dal’s dream version of Manage...

Jan 2, 2023

•Instagram videos vs Instagram reels.
•2022, a full year without ComicSuite.
•Entering 2023 WITH Manage Comics.
•Thanks, Patrons!
•Answering questions for a Sorbonne Nouvelle University student.
•Mission Statement (which should have been at the start of this episode)!
•What we’re looking...