Mar 26, 2018
It’s been a week. How have the new changes been received?
As a consumer, do you want to be immediately help in a store or
left alone?
It’s time for new Challengers business cards!
Coleen Doran gives a brief history of the direct market (via
Meltdown (a 25-year-old comics shop in L.A.) is closing...
Mar 19, 2018
But, what? What is changing?
Fine, we’ll tell you. We’re making some pretty big layout changes,
while not moving any of the furniture.
We’re about to turn 10 (but please don’t congratulate us until it
We get pretty detailed as to how these changes were made, all the
math behind the scenes.
We voted...
Mar 11, 2018
No, not YOU; someone else. But we’d do it if we could.
Fridays, amirite??
We start off the episode with a quick reminder of how subscriptions
work, because some people still don’t get it.
You’re not an @$$hole for asking questions.
The 2018 Sale shirts are in!
Why don’t we order ALL our graphic novels from...
Mar 5, 2018
Suddenly it feels like last week’s episode was a 2-parter.
More new Marvel ‘Fresh Start’ title announcements.
Several DC announcements from Emerald City Comic Con, including 4
Neil Gaiman-adjacent books and 2 new non DCU Brian Michael Bendis
Why we do not relish selling C2E2 tickets in-store.
February sales...