Sep 26, 2022
•Dal returns! Sorry?
•Challengers is/has “nothing special.”
•Dal visited Fantom Comics in DC!
•Dark Horse is leaving Diamond!
•DUCKS by Kate Beaton!
•Batman Day 2022 is history.
•Library wreaths.
•MJ loves Batman/Spawn??
•More covers now than ever before!
Contest of Challengers...
Sep 18, 2022
Patrick is joined by @chicomic_girl,
Hailey Dezort!
Hailey is a wonderfully excited comic fan who has
an unparalleled enthusiasm and a penchant for sharing her comic
book love via Instagram/YouTube/Livestreams/Podcasts. Her fandom is
infectious, and this conversation only scratches the surface of her
knowledge and...
Sep 11, 2022
Patrick is joined by Marvel Editor WIL MOSS!
They talk about Wil becoming a comics fan, going to college in
Chicago and his journey to comic book editing super-stardom! It’s a
fun conversation with 2 people on different sides of the comic book
industry united by the love of comics!! Comics are the best
Sep 5, 2022
•It’s AEW All Out weekend in Chicago, so we start with some
rasslin’ talk. Sorry. Not a lot, though.
•DC Comics are now available from a second distributor!
•In this post-covid retail landscape, prices keep going up!
Including: Magic Cards, Backer Boards and POP
•Ordering from...