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From Challengers Comics + Conversation in Chicago, this is CONTEST OF CHALLENGERS, a comics industry business podcast about the businees of running a comic book shop.
Hosted by Challengers' owners Patrick Brower and W. Dal Bush.
1845 N Western Ave | Chicago, IL 60647 | 773.278.0155
Will Eisner "Spirit of Comics" Retailer Award Recipient 

Aug 31, 2015

More 5,000 copy Variant Cover ideas. How is the DCYou line doing? Doctor Strange villains. Local Comic Shop Day!...

Aug 24, 2015

While that title is actually said in this episode, it’s a little misleading to have it represent the entire show—but we did it anyway. Also, more Hip-Hop variant numbers and what people look for in comic...

Aug 18, 2015

Patrick talks to WWE Superstar KOFI KINGSTON about being a comics fan on the road… and maybe a little wrestling talk,...

Aug 10, 2015

Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone pre-ordered comics? Plus, free BONUS material for...

Aug 3, 2015

If we were to start naming every episode after Dokken song titles, how long would it take you to...