Aug 26, 2019
D23 is happening right now! What does “D23” stand for, anyway?
We don’t know.
Have you seen Marvel’s solicits for November? They get bigger every
month (as Patrick gets angrier).
2nd, 3rd and even 4th prints being offered before the 1st print
comes out.
Can Spider-Man #1 sell more than House of X #1? We sure...
Aug 19, 2019
Former Pittsburgh Steelers QB Landry Jones joins the XFL!
Wait—that doesn’t belong here…
Caroline Cash (Girl in the World) just signed at Challengers! She
was a delight and we sold books! But…
Trade-waiting! Is it by subscribers or non-subscribers?
The current trend of comic shops making videos.
Destroying this...
Aug 12, 2019
Patrick is a broken old man.
We so desperately want new carpet! And window blinds!
Making the consumer pay the credit card processing fee.
Paying for “convenience.”
#10 in Sri Lanka, bay-bee!
AWA announced the first book in their new superhero shared
Referencing Brian Hibbs’ latest ‘Tilting at...
Aug 4, 2019
Remember Superman Unchained? Dal doesn’t.
Keepin’ them back issues in order!
When books disappear from your mindset (i.e. Morning Glories).
Thanks, Patrons!
What are the best Event Books, in enjoyment and in money
Surge pricing and the people that merit it.
Happy 10th Anniversary, CoC!