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From Challengers Comics + Conversation in Chicago, this is CONTEST OF CHALLENGERS, a comics industry business podcast about the businees of running a comic book shop.
Hosted by Challengers' owners Patrick Brower and W. Dal Bush.
1845 N Western Ave | Chicago, IL 60647 | 773.278.0155
Will Eisner "Spirit of Comics" Retailer Award Recipient 

Aug 2, 2021

"Changing the Calculus"
Masks are once again required in-store.
Will these rising Covid numbers change Free Comic Book Day (Aug 14)?
DC = Doesn’t Care
Constantly having to apologize to subscribers for computer errors we can’t control is exhausting. Talking about it every week, even more so.
Thanks, Patrons!
The ever-changing due dates for Final Order Cutoff numbers.
We’ve finalized our new mid-windows banner design.