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From Challengers Comics + Conversation in Chicago, this is CONTEST OF CHALLENGERS, a comics industry business podcast about the businees of running a comic book shop.
Hosted by Challengers' owners Patrick Brower and W. Dal Bush.
1845 N Western Ave | Chicago, IL 60647 | 773.278.0155
Will Eisner "Spirit of Comics" Retailer Award Recipient 

Oct 30, 2017

What Chicagoland comic shop has been open the longest?
Patrick really wants to read a history of Chicago comic book retail stores.
Halloween Comicfest just happened and we don’t know if we promoted it correctly.
We received a graphic novel this week that had no data in Diamond’s system, yet we had customers’ orders for it. This is the story of getting Diamond to help us with it.
Some subscribers are really taking advantage of our subscription service.
It’s perfectly fine if you don’t know the pop culture references we use to pitch books.