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From Challengers Comics + Conversation in Chicago, this is CONTEST OF CHALLENGERS, a comics industry business podcast about the businees of running a comic book shop.
Hosted by Challengers' owners Patrick Brower and W. Dal Bush.
1845 N Western Ave | Chicago, IL 60647 | 773.278.0155
Will Eisner "Spirit of Comics" Retailer Award Recipient 

Sep 12, 2016

This starts with probably too much talk about a toilet.
That leads, naturally of course, into the building of our new Back Issue boxes.
This is the last week we’ll bring up our “C” logo t-shirt Kickstarter.
Barnes & Noble is having a rough go of book-selling and that leads us to other retailers and their reasons for a perceived economic downturn. Their reasons surprise us.
DC sales are up. Marvel’s are down.
We’re looking forward to: Supergirl: Being Super, Green Valley, Moonshine, Shade the Changing Girl, Wonder Woman: The True Amazon.
Brian Azzaerllo is joining us for Local Comic Shop Day!